The Lost Bladesman (Chinese Movie 2011)
"The Lost Bladesman" ("Guan Yunchang"), a Chinese martial-arts film led by Donnie Yen, has released a batch of new stills introducing another lead actor, Wang Xuebing, reports.
Wang Xuebing takes on the role of Wang Zhi, a fictitious prefecture chief in this film inspired by a chapter of the historical novel "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" ("San Guo Yan Yi").
The actor is better known for his TV roles in dramas such as "Cherish Our Love Forever" ("Jiang Ai Qing Jin Xing Dao Di"; 1998) and "Love in a Fallen City" ("Qing Cheng Zhi Lian"; 2009).
During the warring period of the three kingdoms, ancient China is in turmoil. To unify the country general CAO CAO, the real power behind the emperor, enlists the aid of the greatest warrior in the land GUAN YUN CHANG (Donnie Yen). However, Guan Yun Chang is a loyal friend of CAO CAO's enemy LIU BEI. To persuade the peerless warrior to fight, Cao Cao takes his beloved QI LAN (Sun Li) hostage. After leading Cao Cao's forces to victory Guan Yun Chang sets out with Qi Lan to rejoin Liu Bei. But now Cao Cao has deemed him too great a threat to live, and on the journey he must face all the forces at the emperor's command sent to destroy him.
# Initially, Donnie Yen was rather hesitant about taking up the role. "At first, I was having doubts when the producer approached me. I wasn't very familiar with The Three Kingdoms. While I have done many period films, I wasn't confident of portraying such a major historical character fearing that I might tarnish everyone's hero. So I laid down one condition: If they could hire directors Alan Mak and Felix Chong, I would accept this role. For I have faith in their ability in handling this period historical film. The audiences are getting more fastidious so you have to invent something new." He said.